NEET 2022 admit card is expected to be released by NTA in the second week of June. The exam is scheduled to be conducted on July 17. Generally, the NEET admit card or hall ticket is released two weeks before the exam in online mode. Candidates who would complete the application process by paying the requisite fee will be eligible to download the NEET admit card 2022. Candidates must note that the admit card is the mandatory document that needs to be downloaded and preserved till the admission process is over. NTA is expected to release the exam centre city allotment details prior to the NEET 2022 admit card, which will carry information regarding the city where their allotted exam centre is located.
The NEET 2022 admit card is the most crucial document that proves the candidates’ eligibility. It would also act as the entry pass to the NEET 2022 exam center as those failing to produce it will be barred from entering the exam center, making their candidature invalid. The admit card of NEET 2022 will carry information such as the candidate’s name and personal details, roll number, test center address, exam date and time, question paper medium, etc. along with exam day instructions and guidelines.
NEET Admit Card 2022: Important Dates
The following table brings the tentative dates regarding NEET 2022 admit card.
Events | Dates |
NEET 2022 application window | 06-Apr-2022 to 20-May-2022 |
Release of the admit card | First week of June 2022 |
Exam date | 17-Jul-2022 |
How to Download the NEET 2022 Admit Card?
The admit card of NEET 2022 will be available in online mode only. Candidates have to follow the steps given below to download it:
- Visit the official website of NTA NEET
- Click on the tab indicating “NEET admit card 2022”
- Enter application number, date of birth from the dropdown menu and the security pin
- Click on “Submit”
- A mandatory COVID-19 precautionary undertaking form has to be filled and submitted
- A tab to download the admit card of NEET 2022 will appear on the screen
- Check the details mentioned on the admit card
- Download the NEET 2022 admit card

In case any candidate faced difficulty in downloading the Admit Card for NEET 2022 along with Undertaking, he/she could contact on 011-40759000 or e-mail at
Details Mentioned on NEET Admit Card 2022
The details mentioned on the admit card of NEET 2022 will be matched with the ID proof of the candidate on the day of the examination. If they do not match, the candidate will not be allowed to appear for the examination. Thus, it is important to check the NEET admit card 2022 for errors.
The following details can be found on the admit card of NEET:
- Name of the candidate
- NEET 2022 roll number
- NEET registration number
- Date and time of the examination
- Father’s name
- Mother’s name
- Date of birth
- Gender
- Category/ Sub-category
- Address
- Medium (Language) of the examination
- Number and address of the exam centre
- Candidate signature
- Exam day instructions and guidelines
It is mandatory to carry the admit card of NEET 2022 to the exam center. One must also note that the NEET admit card 2022 will not be sent by post to anyone and can be downloaded online only. To know the important dates, the procedure to download the admit card of NEET, and other relevant information, read the complete article.
NEET Admit Card 2022: Important Instructions
- Take a coloured printout of the admit card of NEET 2022
- Affix a passport size photograph in the space provided. (Same as the one submitted with the application form of NEET 2022)
- Get the admit card signed by parent or guardian
What are the instructions printed on the admit card of NEET 2022?
General exam day instructions for NEET 2022 are printed on the admit card. A few important instructions on the NEET admit card are:
- Candidates can set their watch with the clock on the NTA NEET website.
- They must report to the exam center at the ‘reporting time’ mentioned on the NEET 2022 admit card.
- Details and address of the allotted exam center can be found on the admit card of NEET.
- The entry to the exam center will begin at 11.40 am and the last entry into the examination hall will be at 1.30 pm.
- Candidates found in possession of the barred items will not be allowed to complete the examination.
- Candidates should visit the exam center a day before the examination.
- Geometry/ pencil box, calculator, log table, slide ruler, any paper or textual material, etc. are not allowed inside the examination hall.
- Handbags, purses, wallets, electronic gadgets, calculators, watches, etc are also barred inside the examination hall.
- Students are not allowed to carry any eatables inside the examination hall. However, diabetic students are allowed to carry fruits/ sugar tablets.
- Owing to the COVID-19 situation, NTA has permitted the candidates to carry transparent water bottles inside the exam center.
- Candidates must drop their NEET 2022 admit card in a box placed outside the exam hall upon completion of the examination.
- Candidates must leave the exam hall one by one and must wait for their turn to avoid crowding outside the centers.
NEET 2022 Admit Card: How to Retrieve a Forgotten Registration Number?
Retrieving the registration number is a four-step process. Though the process is easy, candidates are advised to note the number carefully and not rely on this method.
Steps to retrieve the registration Id:
- Go to the official website of NTA NEET.
- Click on “Forgot Registration Number”.
- Enter the following details: Name, mother’s name, father’s name, category, date of birth, and security pin.
- The registration number will be displayed on the screen.
- Copy the number and use it to download the admit card.
NEET 2022 Admit Card: How to Download if You Do Not Have Access to the Internet?
Candidates who do not have access to the internet or printers can download the admit card of NEET 2022 from a nearby Common Services Centre (CSC). The CSCs are spread across the country and charge a nominal fee for the services provided. There are more than 2.5 lakh CSCs in India and the numbers are increasing every year. To locate the nearest CSC, go to
CSC services and fee
The following table brings the details of fee and charges levied at the CSCs to download the NEET admit card 2022.
Service | Fee |
Filling the application form of NEET | INR 25 |
Online payment of fee | 0.5 per cent of the transaction value |
Downloading the admit card | INR 10 |
Coloured Printout | INR 5 (per page) |
What to carry on the day of the examination?
Apart from the NEET 2022 admit card, candidates must carry the following documents and COVID-19 precautionary items to the exam centre:
- Passport-sized photograph (same as the one uploaded with the application form)
- A valid photo Id proof (Aadhaar card/ Driving Licence/ PAN Card/ Passport/ Voter Id)
- Facemask and hand gloves
- 50 ml bottle of hand sanitiser
- Transparent water bottle
NEET 2022 Admit Card: Important Points to Remember
Candidates should keep in mind the following information in mind during and after downloading the NEET 2022 admit card.
- In case a candidate is unable to download his/ her NEET admit cards from the website, he or she may approach the Help Line between 10 am to 5 pm or write an email to NTA at
- It is mandatory to get the admit card of NEET 2022 signed by a parent/guardian.
- It is mandatory to carry a valid photo Id proof on the day of NEET 2022.
- Candidates have to carry a passport-sized photograph on the day of the examination. This photograph has to be affixed on the attendance sheet.
- In case of any discrepancy in the particulars of the candidate or his/her photograph and signatures shown in the Admit Card and Confirmation Page, the candidate may immediately approach the Help Line between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm. In such cases, candidates would appear in
the Examination with the already downloaded Admit Card. However, NTA will take necessary action to make corrections in the record later.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Regarding NEET Admit Card 2022
Q: When is NEET 2022 admit card expected to be released by NTA?
A: NTA is expected to release the NEET 2022 admit card by mid-June.
Q. What information is needed to download the NEET 2022 admit card?
A. Candidates will have to download the NEET 2022 admit card by logging in to the exam website through username and date of birth.
Q. Will NTA send the NEET 2022 admit card via post?
A: No, NTA will not send the NEET 2022 admit card by post and candidates will have to download it online from the official website.
Q. What is the security pin in NEET admit card 2022?
A. The security pin is the six-digit alphanumeric code given just before the ‘Submit’ option. Candidates have to correctly fill this code to download their NEET 2022 admit card.
Q. My name is spelt wrong on the NEET 2022 admit card. What should I do?
A. In this case, candidates must contact the NTA immediately and get it rectified. If the details printed on the NEET 2022 admit card do not match those on the official ID proof that you carry on the day of the examination, you will not be allowed to appear for it.
Q. How can I get a duplicate NEET 2022 admit card in case I lose it?
A. Candidates can download the admit card from the official website of NTA. The admit card can be downloaded any number of times before the examination day, but candidates are advised to save a soft copy for future reference. Also, NTA will email a copy of the admit card to your registered email Id, you can download it from the email.
Q. Should the NEET 2022 printout be coloured or black and white?
A. Candidates are advised to take a colored printout of the admit card. However, it is not compulsory. They must also ensure that they have two to three spare copies of the admit card for future use. However, in case a candidate does not have access to a colored printer, s/he can take a black and white printout of the NEET 2022 admit card as well, but the details such as photograph and text should be clearly visible.
Q. I have signed on the NEET 2022 admit card by mistake. What should I do now?
A. Candidates have to sign on the NEET 2022 admit card in presence of the invigilator. In case one has signed it before that, he/she can discard the document and take a fresh print out and follow the instructions carefully.
Q. What is the specification of the photograph that needs to be pasted on the admit card of NEET 2022?
A. Candidates will have to paste their postcard size photograph of 4″x6″ dimension on the NEET 2022 admit card.
Q. What if I forget to take my parents’ signature on the NEET 2022 admit card?
A. Candidates were advised to get the NEET 2022 admit card signed by a parent/ guardian as soon as they download it. If a candidate fails to get the admit card signed, he/ she will not be allowed to appear for the entrance test.
Q. I am unable to download my NEET 2022 admit card. Whom should I contact?
A. Candidates can check the login credentials that they have entered. The password for the registered account is case sensitive, thus, they have to enter the password carefully. If they are still unable to download the admit card of NEET 2022, they can enquire at the NTA NEET helpline number 011-40759000.
Q. I have pasted a photograph on the admit card of NEET 2022. Do I still need to carry a passport-sized photograph on exam day?
A. Yes, candidates have to carry an extra passport-sized photograph on the day of the examination. This photograph has to be affixed on the attendance sheet in front of the invigilator.
Q. Can I re-download the admit card of NEET 2022?
A. Yes, candidates can download the admit card any number of times before the examination. However, candidates are advised to save a copy of their NEET 2022 admit card, which can be retrieved in case of emergencies.
Q. Can I appear for NEET 2022 if I forget to carry my photo ID?
A. No, candidates will not be allowed to appear for the examination without a valid photo ID. Candidates are advised to keep the following three things ready with them, a day before the examination; a valid photo-ID proof, NEET admit card 2022, and a recent passport-sized photograph.